POLISH PATTERN - scarf and tie

client: Chancellery of the Prime Minister Republic of Poland

year: 2024

materials: 100% silk

photos: majdzikserej.com

Scarf and tie "POLISH PATTERN" are unique products that combine the beauty and richness of Polish embroidery tradition. The distinctive, timeless design incorporates symbols from six Polish embroideries: Silesian, Cracovian, Biskupian, Kurpie, Kashubian, and Łowicz, Kurpie. The "POLISH PATTERN" scarf and tie are part of a collection that interprets play in an open, inclusive, and equal manner. Each game has a set of rules that the players follow.

Playing with symbols and Polish patchwork: The combination of these three different embroideries creates a unique pattern that symbolizes the diversity and cultural richness of Poland. Like a patchwork, the scarf and tie combine different regions and their histories, creating a coherent whole – a "united Poland."

Scarves and ties are presented to Polish and foreign politicians during events related to Poland's presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2025. They are eagerly worn by politicians and are increasingly appearing at important events on the international stage.
